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Echifa Clinic is a multi-disciplinary health care facility located on the seafront of Houmt Essouk Djerba.
Since its inauguration in 2011, the clinic has been able to earn a spotless reputation amongst its various patients from Tunisia, Libya and Europe,
Aspiring to exceed the expectations of our patients and to push the limits in the health sector, the clinic is endowed with a professional medical and paramedical team.
Currently,the clinic provides a hospitalization capacity of up to 80 bed and it continue to enhance its infrastructure through the upcoming inauguration of a surgical specialty extension, a day hospital, a post-operative resuscitation unit and a radiotherapy medical center.
Echifa Clinic is distinguished in particular by its renowned medical staff which consists of up to 60 doctors from different medical and surgical fields in addition of a paramedical staff composed of around 220 agents.
Paramedical Staff
Major efforts are being made to guarantee an overall care of the patient since his arrival through to the end of his medical visit, under the guidance of the clinic owner Dr Ayachi Tanazefti.
